How to Begin a 3-12 Month Supply of Food

Re-posted from the Mormon Channel. Click HERE to be taken to the original post.


Is one of your New Year’s goals to get more on top of your food storage situation? Every Saturday this month we will be sharing tips and tricks with you on how to do this. This week, we’ve consulted food storage blogger, Valerie Albrechtsen, for some of her expert tips on getting started with a 3-12 month food supply. First, watch this helpful video to get started.

Gathering food storage and emergency supplies can be simplified by using 12 monthly emergency prep lists (see below for an example). With different monthly goals, these lists can put you on autopilot and help you establish a habit of gathering year-round while you regularly shop.

Although these lists are based on seasonal sales in Utah, anyone with a desire to become self-reliant can use them. Each list suggests monthly goals for one adult, but you can multiply food and water amounts by family members, increase or decrease amounts, modify food choices, and create a list that’s perfect for you.

These lists incorporate the four steps found in “All is Safely Gathered In: Home Storage” a pamphlet prepared by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and additional home storage goals, emergency equipment goals, and preparedness goals you can work on as a family.

Instead of burying food in your basement to use only during emergencies, learn to “store what you eat, and eat what you store” so when emergencies come your children can actually eat food they are accustomed to. (There will be another post on this next Saturday on the Mormon Channel Blog).

Work on the first three steps: gather a three-month supply of food, emergency drinking water, and a financial reserve (see the post from last Saturday on short-term food storage). Then gather long-term foods, home storage supplies, and emergency equipment.

So, how do you begin?

1. Take an inventory of all the canned, bagged, boxed, and packaged foods your family regularly eats. Check out this suggested three-month food storage list for a little inspiration. You may already be further along than you think! If you are a fresh or frozen food person, remember: the shelves in your favorite store will be empty during a disaster. You must figure out something to store.

2. Take an inventory of your long-term foods with a 20–30 year shelf life, such as wheat, rice, and beans.

3. Decide on a food storage budget, such as 20–30 dollars a month per person. If you live in a small apartment or are on a limited budget, start with a one-month supply of food. You CAN do this too! If you are single or a student, here is a helpful list to get you started.

Learn to gather patiently. Don’t panic and rush to the store. Just gather monthly as this will help with rotation of food and your budget. Keep an inventory sheet on a cupboard door to track how much you want to store and what you use. Hang your grocery list next to it and write down what to buy next time you shop.

Anything you do to help yourself become self-reliant is a step in the right direction. I know this to be true, because I live this way every day. And you can too, one can or bag of food at a time.

12 Monthly Emergency Prep Lists

January: Water, Beverages, and Water Storage

(more on this later this month on the Mormon Channel Blog)

February: Breakfast Foods and Communication

March: Tomatoes, Pasta, and First Aid

April: Soup, Fish, Beans, and Sanitation

May: Condiments, Spices, and Emergency Cooking

June: Grains, Vitamins, and Bread Making

July: Summer Foods, Emergency Drills, and Canning

August: Fruits, Vegetables, Shelter, and Bedding

September: Meat, Potatoes, and Earthquake Prep

October: Oils, Fats, and Fire Safety

November: Holiday Baking, Emergency Heat, and Clothing

December: Baking Basics, Power and Light Sources

Upcoming Events


January 22 – New Beginnings, “Let’s Embark Together”
7pm at the Church. For all YW and their parents.

January 25 – Stake Priesthood Meeting
7am at the Stake Center. For all Priesthood holders.

January 29 – Relief Society Activity
7pm at the Church. For all women 18 and older.

FamilySearch Launches a New App Gallery

“FamilySearch App Gallery, available online and accessible from a variety of handheld devices, allows patrons to browse, find, and learn about applications developed by partners of FamilySearch. The gallery links patrons to partner sites where they can access and download the right applications for their needs.” -quoted from the FamilySearch Blog
The FamilySearch App Gallery can be found at

Managing the Photos on your Mobile Device

How are you managing the massive amounts of photos you are taking with your mobile device?

If you are like me, the 16gbs on my phone doesn’t last too long. Apps and photos take up a lot of storage. A simple way to keep those photos cleaned off your device is to use Dropbox. You can sign up for a free account at


Download the free app onto your device and set it to auto upload your photos when you are connected to wifi.

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Then download the desktop app to your computer.


All you will need to do from there is open the dropbox folder on your computer and copy (or drag) those files into your picture folder structure on your computer. Once they have been copied to your computer, go ahead and delete them from dropbox. Do this weekly or monthly depending on the number of photos you take.

Block Captain Emergency Drills 2015

February 19th – Thursday at 8:30 PM

March 21st – Saturday at 8:30 AM

April 16th – Thursday at 8:30 PM – The Great Utah Shake Out

May 16th – Saturday 8:30 AM – District Emergency Preparedness Fair – more info coming soon

June 20th – Saturday at 8:30 AM

September 17th – Thursday at 8:30 PM

October 17th – Saturday at 8:30 AM

November 19th – Thursday at 8:30 PM

It’s January! It’s time to get started!

First of all . . . Welcome!

Here we are, January 2015. Did you set some New Year resolutions? Did you include some preparedness goals? Well, no matter. Hopefully we are here to inspire and encourage you to begin again, to start from where you are, to get going! That’s what we are going to do!

So let’s GO!

This month, we’d like to start by focusing on one of the most important preparedness items around, WATER.

water bottle

Check out this article to learn more about how much water to storage and how to store it.