A Message from Amy

This is Amy, your new emergency preparedness specialist.  I am very excited about this new calling as I have loved emergency preparedness and food storage for over 20 years now.  I recently attended a 3-day emergency preparedness conference, where I was reminded again of the importance of preparing for the future events, (events that have been prophesied of for thousands of years now) that will take place before the return of the Savior!  We have had a lot of warnings and a long time to prepare for these events, yet statistics show that only 6% of the members of the church have in storage what their family will need in times of an emergency!!!  I am hoping to help the members of this ward increase the 6% statistic to 100%.

In an effort to help you be prepared, I will be offering bulk food items on a regular basis.

I will give a due date of when you need to have in your order AND payment for the order. If I do not have the payment ON TIME it will not get ordered!

The first month’s item is HONEY!!  The new crop of honey was just extracted from the hives in august. So it is very fresh, Utah honey. I LOVE honey! In fact, I have studied the properties of honey for a long time and could write a book about it, but I won’t bore you with that! I will just give you some of most basic but profound things honey can do for you.

-Honey has been consumed for thousands of years for its health benefits
-Honey has been known to treat allergies, fight infections, and heal wounds and burns
-Honey has been known to help with colitis, ulcers, constipation, acid reflux and hay fever
-Honey is helpful with night cramps, insomnia, aching joints and boosting immunity
-Honey can provide instant energy for athletes and can even help with depression
-Honey is one of nature’s most natural healers



Honey is one of the most important food storage items and if it is truly raw will stay good for many, many years (some sources say hundreds).

A tub of honey would be a great Christmas gift for those hard to buy people in your life!!

*This honey will be available from Oct. 11- November 4, 2015
*I will have the honey available for pick up by Nov. 8, 2015
*Make checks payable to Amy
*Order forms will be available on Sunday

60 lb – bucket of honey for $160 (great for long term storage)-
24 lb – bucket of honey for $72 (great for long term storage only lighter)-
30 lb – case of 6 smaller tubs for $95 (great for daily use)-
5 lb – bucket of honey for $17 each

Family Finances

Spending less money than you make is essential to your financial security.

“We encourage you wherever you may live in the world to prepare for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. … If you have paid your debts and have a financial reserve, even though it be small, you and your family will feel more secure and enjoy greater peace in your hearts” (All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Finances).

Every family has the responsibility to provide for its own needs to the extent possible. The responsibility to manage family finances should be shared between husband and wife with an attitude of trust and openness. Wise financial management can provide security and promote family well-being. Members may experience financial troubles due to unemployment, overspending, unexpected emergencies, or mismanagement of finances. Paying an honest tithing, living within your means, saving for unexpected expenses, and avoiding debt are essential parts of financial stability.

How can my family manage our finances?

Keep a record of your expenditures. Record and review monthly income and expenses. Determine how to reduce what you spend for nonessentials.

Use this information to establish a family budget. Plan what you will give as Church donations, how much you will save, and what you will spend for food, housing, utilities, transportation, and clothing.

How can my family avoid debt?

Spending less money than you make is essential to your financial security. Avoid debt, with the exception of buying a modest home or paying for education or other vital needs. If you are in debt, pay it off as quickly as possible.

How can paying tithing and fast offerings help me manage my finances?

Successful family finances begin with the payment of an honest tithe and the giving of a generous fast offering. The Lord has promised to open the windows of heaven and pour out great blessings upon those who pay tithes and offerings faithfully (see Isaiah 58:6-12; Malachi 3:10).

If our tithing and offerings are the first obligations met, our commitment to this important gospel principle will be strengthened and the likelihood of financial mismanagement will be reduced.

How can I teach my family about good financial practices?

Teach family members the principles of financial management. Involve them in creating a budget and setting family financial goals. Teach the principles of hard work, frugality, and saving. Stress the importance of obtaining as much education as possible.

Reposted from lds.org